Sunday, April 3, 2011

Skiing: Jackson Hole Style

    Today was the first day of skiing in Jackson Hole! What a step up from Perfect North to Jackson Hole. When we got there I put on my boots and instantly felt a sharp pain go through my feet. Little did I now that it was possibly cutting off my circulation little by little. Luckily, with a little advice from Mr. Pollitt, I grabbed some boots a size larger and was ready to go. My plan was to go up the mountain and explore a little bit until around 12:30. At that time I would go back down and start my half-day lesson. This was all going right until I actually got to the mountain. I was pretty intimidated when I first saw the slopes and then I got really freaked out when I learned that what I was looking at was the green and blue slopes rather then the black slopes. So I registered for a full-day lesson and got started.

    When I first got on the slopes, I was pretty nervous. All my friends were there and this was the place to show how good you really were. My instructor's name was Jake and apparently he was a well known back country skier. He said he liked to hike up the mountains and ski right back down them. The first day's snow was pretty nice. Not too slushy, not too powdery, just right. Hockey stopping wasn't too challenging the first day and also because I wasn't going down very hard runs. Luckily, the snow was carved really great and it wasn't too slick. I was put in a group with some kids a little younger then me. One kid I will definitely remember. Mucus constantly running down his nose, his voice barely audible, and glasses the size of baseballs. His name was Sam, and Sam I will never forget.

    When I first started skiing, I knew that this trip was going to be awesome. The snow was so fun to ski on. The slopes weren't too hard and I was having so much fun that I lost track of time. We were supposed to meet up together at 12:00 and ride up the Gondola to lunch. When I went down to the meeting place, I didn't see anyone and I didn't think it was smart to ride up the Gondola and find that no one was there. I met back up with my instructor and he said I could have lunch with him and the other kids at Ski School. I had 4 sliders and a Rice Crispy Treat and got right back to skiing. We had to stay on the green slopes the whole day but most of the time we did the terrain park and the trails which were awesome. At the end of the day we got on the bus to go back to the 49'r Inn. After we relaxed a little bit I went to Mountain High Pizza Pie and had some delicious cheese and barbecue pizzas. What a way to end an awesome day!
    In Jackson Hole, there are many unique things. This makes up the geographical theme place. First, the Tetons. These beautiful mountains seem to always be completely covered in snow. So many tourists who come to Jackson Hole go skiing at the Tetons. From the small green slope, Eagle's Rest, to the nearly impossible black slope, Corbet's Couloir, any level skier can have fun. Then there are all of the  different types of restaurants that you can go to. One of these is Mountain High Pizza Pie. Here, you can enjoy a fresh baked barbecue pizza that is to die for. You can also eat a massive cheese pizza that is extremely delicious. I loved the barbecue pizza because the meat gave the pizza an amazing taste.
    The first day I skied at Jackson Hole, it was very cold. It looked like the kids on the trip I was on were the only ones really cold. That's because the people who live in the area have adapted to the environment. This is called HEI, which is Human Environment Interaction. The people are used to the weather and how there is constantly snow everywhere. Also, the people who live there have seen snow there whole life. They know what to expect when they go there. They also rely on the weather to make the snow so they can ski on it. Since Jackson Hole is mostly famous for their weather, which includes snow, they have a lot of HEI. This is why the people have adapted to the climate and are used to the weather.
             So long for now,
             This is Asa Hiken signing off and
             Stay Classy, Louisville, Kentucky

1 comment:

  1. Hey Asa,

    Jackson Hole looks awesome I am so going next trip. New Mexico looks great as well but completely different from Jackson Hole.
