Saturday, April 9, 2011


    I had so much fun skiing the last three days. It was by far the greatest school trip I have ever been on. I was so excited to tell my family about how much fun I had. Little did I know, the next time I was going to see them would be a long time. My flights to Jackson Hole a week ago were a little rough. Instead of leaving around 6:30 from Louisville, we had to wake up at 3:30 and drive to the Lexington Airport and take off at 5:45. I was so tired I almost fell asleep in the shower. I thought we would never make it. Our first flight was in such a small plane that I had to duck to walk. I was just so happy that we got to Jackson Hole that literally in the first twenty minutes at the inn, I fell asleep. The trip home was probably the worst plane experience I have ever had.
    We were supposed to leave around two o'clock to go to Chicago. We arrived at the airport and heard that our flight was delayed to six o'clock. We went back to town and ate some lunch. After lunch we walked around town a little bit. Unfortunately, most of the stores were closed. We ended up just hanging out in the 49'r Inn for a while, which was very boring. Since we were so bored, we decided to go back to the airport and just hang out there until our flight took off. At the gate, I watched the movie Airplane! with Clay on his iPad. That was probably the highlight of my day. When we were boarding the plane, we almost couldn't get on because the airport was going to ground us. Luckily, we got on and made it to Chicago. There was one problem, we missed our connection.
    I was so happy that we actually got out of Jackson Hole. By the looks of it, we were going to stay there for eternity. When we got to Chicago, apparently we missed our connection to Louisville. So American Airlines (the worst airline in the world) gave us vouchers to the Candlewood Suites. When we finally got on the taxi to take us there, the driver told us there were no more rooms. He drove us back to the airport and so we learned that the airline gave us unusable vouchers. After waiting in the airport for a while, Clay's parents booked us in another hotel in Chicago.We got to our rooms and ordered pizzas. Right when I laid on the bed, I instantly fell asleep because it was three in the morning. The next morning we flew to Dallas and then back to Lexington where we had to drive back to Louisville. What a terrible way to end a wonderful trip!
    While traveling home, we stopped at many locations. The first place was Jackson Hole, which is in Wyoming. Wyoming is bordered by Montana, Idaho, Nebraska, Colorado, and Utah. Next, we stopped in Chicago, which is in Illinois. Illinois is bordered by Kentucky, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Montana. Then we landed in Dallas, which is in Texas. Texas is bordered by Louisiana, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. Finally, we ended up in Lexington, which is in Kentucky. Kentucky is bordered by Indiana, Tennessee, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, West Virginia, and Virginia. Since we were in the airport a lot, we went on a bunch of planes, which is usually the transportation to go to far away places. The geographical theme Movement discusses transportation in places. We went on many different planes and it shows that all these places that we went to all have a common transportation, planes.
         So long for now,
         This is Asa Hiken signing off and,
         Stay Classy, Louisville, Kentucky

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