Thursday, April 7, 2011

Skiing: Insane Slopes (In My Mind)

    I have to admit, yesterday was amazing! I knew no other day would be better then yesterday. The third day wasn't as great as the second day but it still was a lot of fun. It snowed a little bit but not that much. I woke up a little earlier so I wouldn't almost miss the bus this time. When I went outside, I knew by far it was the coldest day; ergo, I ran back inside and grabbed about 5 hand warmers. When I came back down I just remembered I left my camelback. So I ran upstairs and got that. When I finally arrived at the bus stop, I could not believe it. I left my wallet in the room. Breathing heavily, I sprinted back to the room, double checked I had everything and ran back downstairs. Luckily, the bus was a little late so I made it. I knew this was not going to be my day.
    When we got to the slopes, it was packed. You couldn't go five feet without walking into two people. My first run, I felt so tired. I almost fell twice but luckily I didn't. If I did fall, it would of hurt because the snow was pretty hard and there was very little powder. I made a promise to myself that I would do a blue run the last day. At lunch, I quickly wolfed down my delicious chicken stir fry and went back down the Gondola. I went up the Apres Vous chair with Mark, Ben, and Drew. From there we skied down to the traverse. Little did we know was that we went down a double blue run. It was very challenging. After the traverse we went up the Casper chair and skied all the way down to the lodge. Even though most people were doing black diamonds, I was really happy that I did a double blue and a blue run.
    After I did the blue run, I was out of breath. Apparently we did one of the longest blue runs on the mountain. I just experienced one of the most exhilarating winter events in my life. On the ride back, I was really mad that skiing was over. I would love to do blue runs all day if we stayed another day. When we got to the 49'r Inn, we relaxed for a while and went out to dinner. I chose to go to Bubba's Barbecue. I had amazing pork chops with a delicious baked potato on the side. We went back to the inn and I got into the hot tub. Sometimes we would run out in the snow and would roll around with no shirts on and come back and jump into the hot tub. It was so much fun. I had a great sleep, although my dream was that I went off Corbet's Couloir and broke my legs. What a great way to end a ski trip!
    When you think of Jackson Hole, you probably think of farmers everywhere and a lot of snow since it is in the Wild West. Half of that is true. There is always snow in Jackson Hole, but not usually a lot of farmers. The geographical theme Place can describe physical features in an area. An example is the mountains in Jackson Hole are always snowy. Another example is the hills and forests are always very populated with animals. There are also not a lot of urban areas, there are more rural places. Since there are many mountains, this makes Jackson Hole very rural. The transportation in Jackson Hole usually consists of buses and cars. This is part of the geographical theme, Movement. Every day when we went skiing, we would take a bus to get to the slopes. The airport we went to in Jackson Hole is the only airport in Jackson Hole and is very small. We also walked to shops and dinner because everything was so close together, which was a great way to help the planet.
               So long for now,
               This is Asa Hiken signing off and,
               Stay Classy, Louisville, Kentucky

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