Wednesday, April 6, 2011

POWDER! There Is Powder Everywhere!!!

    Yesterday was a blast! I thought that no other day would be better then yesterday. I was totally wrong. I heard we were supposed to get a couple inches of snow but not like this. Early that morning, I looked out the window and saw it was flurrying. When we went out for breakfast, I was completely shocked. The snow flurries were so thick that if you were to stand outside for about 5 minutes, you would be covered so much you would literally have a snow camouflaged jacket. I quickly scarfed down my routine breakfast, a bowl of Frosted Flakes, a sausage, two blueberry muffins, and a cup of apple juice. Then I donned on my ski clothing and camelback and was ready to go. I knew that this was probably going to be the greatest day of skiing I would ever be a part of.
    When we arrived at the slopes, I couldn't see a single thing. Snow flurries were everywhere. I knew I wasn't the only one pumped for the snow. People were gasping with amazement, yelling out cheers of excitement. There was one problem. We chose today to arrive early at the slopes. So I had to wait 30 minutes until the slopes opened. The snow was taunting us. Hurling itself at our faces. Almost whispering to us to come skiing with them. It was torture, but a good kind because I knew that the clock was ticking down and when the it reached 9:30, I was going to have the time of my life. As soon as the clock turned 9:30, I skied as fast as I could to the chair. When I got off the chair, the powder was unbelievable.
    I started down the mountain and my first time skiing in powder would not be forgotten. There was so much powder I couldn't see my skis. I felt like I was gliding. It was like nothing I've ever experienced before. The whole day was like that because it never stopped snowing. This was by far better then the first day. The whole day I was with Donavon, Drew, and Hank. We went on the terrain parks a lot. We would have contests on who could get the best air. Then we would exit the terrain park and go to the trails which were so awesome. The best one was the black diamond trail in which you could right or left. Either way you would end up on a very narrow trail and swoop down on the sharpest turn I have ever seen. This was my favorite ski day of all time.
    The weather allowed everyone to ski with a lot of fun. The people relied on the powder to ski smoothly. The geographical element HEI was in Jackson Hole. It was that the climate let everyone ski much more steadily on the soft powder. If you went skiing on hard snow or slush, you could lose balance more easily or go too fast. The powder also could almost break your fall with it's soft surface when hard snow would just bruise you. Another geographical element for the second day of skiing was Region. Wyoming is part of the High Plains. They also have a very wide mountain range including the one I skied on, the Tetons. Since they have a lot of mountains, they obviously get a lot of snow on the peaks. This draws in a myriad of people. The snow drew me in and to my surprise I had a great time.
              So long for now,
              This is Asa Hiken signing off and,
              Stay Classy, Louisville, Kentucky

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